#SapphicAThon round ii, a TBR

HELLOOOOOOO and as some of you may know if you follow either Natasha or Jami, we are hosting a readathon! This is round two of a readathon we've hosted before and I am so so excited. This will be running from this morning (Feb 1st) to February 7th! SapphicAThon round two will run from FEB 1-7 IN… Continue reading #SapphicAThon round ii, a TBR


So... I am here to create my own readathon. I think sometimes in this community, we get so caught up with new releases that we forget to read the books we're most excited for and most confident that we'll enjoy. So here's a challenge based around reading books you're pretty sure you'll like. This readathon will… Continue reading READATHON ANNOUNCEMENT: The Five-Star Readathon

I Overshare, aka Ten Books That Describe Me

I always feel that I read to relate. I am someone who is always looking for different ways to process my own emotions and feelings! So for this post, inspired by Cece's video Books That Describe Me, and the Me In Book Characters Tag [Amber tagged me in this a while back] and I'll be talking about books that… Continue reading I Overshare, aka Ten Books That Describe Me